The Chinese name, "wulong", meaning "black dragon", hints at the potent earthy flavor this traditional tea variety has to offer. Like green, black and white teas, this tea is fashioned from the Camellia sinensis leaves, but its unique preparation makes it a class of tea all its own. Once the leaves are harvested, they are intentionally bruised, which means the cells around the edges of the tea leaves are damaged to induce oxidation, but, at the same time, maintain the integrity of the tea leaves. Allowed far less fermentation time than other teas, oolong leaves are then pan fired to seal the flavor. The result is a partially-fermented tea with a unique, malty flavor and a pleasantly sweet aroma.
Not quite the profile of a black tea, nor a green tea, the unique qualities and flavors hidden in a cup of Oolong Tea entice even the most squeamish tea drinker. Its delicious malty flavor, coupled with the rich nutrient contents make this semi-fermented tea one of the most memorable you'll have enjoy. Oolong tea offers several vitamins, including vitamin E, vitamin K, niacin and folic acid. Its mineral content includes calcium, manganese, copper and potassium.