The Sanskrit word for the 3rd Chakra, Manipura can be defined: Mani = pearl, Pura = place, or "City of Jewels." Unravel the intricacies stored inside this rich power center and you begin to understand why.
The Solar Plexus Chakra, or 3rd Chakra, is considered the place where the ego lives. When you're confronted with injustices, either aimed at yourself or another, do you speak up with confidence and calm? Is your "gut" in good working order? (Both metaphorically, as well as physically.) If you can't answer yes to both of these questions, you might consider spending some time fortifying and balancing your 3rd Chakra.
When in harmony, this spot, located in the middle of the abdomen (think naval), uses its earned wisdom to transform judgment into respect, greed into compassion, and envy into generosity.
Color: Yellow to gold-yellow
Element: Fire